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My experience using Monat products !! Not Good

 Why you should analyze well before submitting your hair to a product change!

At the beginning of the pandemic I began to see Monatmania, everyone talking about extra money, the benefits that selling these products gives you and the famous vehicle that they give you for passing the sales number that it requires to earn such a great new car, in this series I don't want to damage the brand, I just want to write about my experience that changed me and what it did to my hair.

In my experience!!! I'm talking about my particular case, not anyone else's, at first I was excited because I had heard wonders of the product of how it hydrates and leaves your hair, I had seen good reviews and also some bad reviews. Ignoring the reviews of people that if what happened to others and happened to me, I bought the products from a good friend who is selling them and I took the quiz for my hair, which is processed blonde. without lying to them the first week I felt that my hair was coming out in heaps and it was not allowed to be handled, the 2nd. week oh God an itch in the skull and irritation, I formed a painful crust on my scalp (As if they were cut).

scratching causes bald spots in my head

 (Be careful, I'm only using a roller dryer without a blower on my hair)

The first wash had already been warning that something big was coming.

This company is profiting with millions !! Well their numbers speak for themselves, in many people it has good results in the health of the hair and the pockets of those who sell them.

These products to finish, Very expensive and the amount that it brings is not enough for a month of use.


Shampoo 8 fl oz - 237ml

Conditioner 6fl oz - 178ml

Air dry cream 6fl oz - 176ml

Here I leave the photos and the damage to my scalp.

Not worth it !!!

Mi experiencia usando los productos Monat

 Por que deberias analizar bien antes de someter tu cabello a un cambio de producto!.

A principios de pandemia empece a ver la Monatmania, todos hablando de un dinero extra, los beneficios que te da el vender estos productos y el famoso vehiculo que te regalan por pasar el numero de venta que requiere ganarse tan ahnelado auto nuevo, en esta resena no quiero danar la marca solo quiero escribir mi experiencia que cambio en mi y que le hizo a mi pelo.

En mi experiencia!!! hablo de mi caso particular no el de nadie mas, a lo primero estaba emocionada porque habia escuchado maravillas del producto de como hidrata y deja tu pelo, habia visto buenos reviews y tambien unos malos reviews. Ignorando las resenas de personas que si le paso lo que a mi me paso, compro los productos a una buena amiga que esta vendiendolos y tomo el quiz para mi pelo, que es rubio procesado. sin mentirles la primera semana sentia que mi pelo se salia por montones y no se dejaba manejar, la 2da. semana oh Dios un picor en el craneo e irritacion, se me formaron costra dolorosa en el cuero cabelludo ( Como si fueran cortadas) .

 (Ojo solo estoy usando secador de rolos sin blower en mi pelo) 

La primera lavada ya venia avisando que algo grande se acercaba.

Esta compania se esta lucrandocon millones!! bueno su numeros hablan por si solos, en muchas personas tiene buenos resultados en la salud del pelo y los bolsillos de quien los venden.

Estos productos para finalizar, Muy caros y la cantidad que trae no es suficiente para un mes de uso. 


Shampoo 8 fl oz - 237ml 

Conditioner 6fl oz - 178ml

Air dry cream 6fl oz  - 176ml

Aqui les dejo las fotos y los danos a mi cuero cabelludo. 

No vale la pena !!! 
